List of PSBank SME Term Loan Requirements You Must Submit in Applying for Offer
PSBANK SME TERM LOAN REQUIREMENTS – Here are the documents required in applying for the SME Term Loan of the Philippine Savings Bank.
In the Philippines, one of the banks with business loan offers is the Philippine Savings Bank. More popularly called PSBank, it is a subsidiary of Metrobank and its offers encompass both personal and corporate categories.

Aside from the PSBank Auto Loan, PSBank Home Loan, and PSBank Cash Loan, the bank also has business loan offers. One of the business loan offers is the SME Term Loan which provides funds for small businesses with customized repayment options.

The SME Term Loan is a collateral offer. The bank accepts both properties and cash deposits as collateral. It has also set some PSBank SME Term Loan requirements which vary depending on the type of collateral presented for the loan.
If the collateral used is a real estate property, here are the documents that you need to prepare and submit to the bank:
- duly-accomplished and signed Business Loan Application Form and Statement of Assets & Liabilities
- Two (2) valid IDs Business registration papers:
- DTI Certificate of Registration
- SEC Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, General Information Sheet
- Company profile and ownership structure Income Tax Returns with Audited Financial Statements for the last 2 to 3 years duly stamped “received” by the BIR Waiver of Confidentiality of Client’s Information and/or Authority of the Bank to Conduct Random Verification with the BIR (as indicated in the application form) Interim Financial Statements, if available Photocopy of bank statements or passbook within the past 6 full months Photocopy of TCT, tax declaration and vicinity map of the offered collateral Trade References / List of at least five major suppliers and clients with contact names and contact details
There is a different set of PSBank SME Term Loan requirements for loans with Time Deposit as the collateral. Here are the documents that you must prepare and submit to PSBank if the collateral is a cash deposit:
- duly-accomplished and signed Business Loan Application Form and Statement of Assets & Liabilities
- Time Deposit Certificate with signed endorsement at the back portion
- Two (2) valid IDs
- DTI or SEC registration/By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation if applicant is the company