GSIS Unemployment Claim Cash Amount Based on Member’s Contributions — A GUIDE

Guide on the GSIS Unemployment Claim Cash Amount for Members

GSIS UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIM CASH AMOUNT – You can check here the details about how much you may avail based on your posted contributions.

Are you one of the members of the Government Service Insurance System? More popularly called GSIS, it is one of the biggest social insurance entities in the Philippines and it has several offers for its members.

Photo Credit: PTV News

To qualify for these offers of the social insurance entity which include several GSIS loans and benefits crafted for the members, a member must regularly post monthly contribution. There are both eligibility and documentary requirements in availing the GSIS offers.

One of the benefit offers of the Government Service Insurance System is the GSIS Unemployment Claim which provides cash for members who lost their job under certain conditions.

GSIS Unemployment Claim Cash Amount

The job loss must be due to the abolition of an office or a position for a member to qualify under the benefit offer. Under this benefit offer, the GSIS Unemployment Claim cash amount depends on the total contributions posted the member. The cash payment is equivalent to “50% of the average monthly compensation (AMC)”.

The total GSIS contributions posted by a member who wants to avail the Unemployment Benefit offer will determine the amount. Here is a guide:

Contributions MadeBenefit Duration
1 year but less than 3 years2 months
3 or more years but less than 6 years3 months
6 or more years but less than 9 years4 months
9 or more years but less than 11 years5 months
11 or more years but less than 15 years6 months

To apply or avail the benefit offer, a member must prepare the requirements for the GSIS Unemployment Claim application. The application must be filed within four (4) years since the member lost the job.

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