Guide on GSIS Emergency Loan Offer – Qualified Applicants
GSIS EMERGENCY LOAN – Here is a guide on the areas that are eligible for the calamity loan offer of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS).
A lot of Filipinos are members of social insurance institutions thus they have something to turn to in times of financial emergencies. There are several big state-run insurance institutions in the country – the Government Service Insurance System being one of them.
More commonly called GSIS, most of its members are employees of the government and the public agencies. They contribute a certain amount of their salaries monthly as savings in the social insurance institution. A member’s contribution or savings will determine his or her eligibility to the offers of the public agency.
GSIS has several offers to its members – benefits, loans, and other essential services. One of them is the calamity loan offer or the GSIS Emergency Loan.

The GSIS Emergency Loan offer of the public agency is the only loan offer with different recipients from time to time depending on which areas have been struck by the calamity. Other offers of the public agency are open to all members provided that a member meets the qualifications set by the government agency.
One of the qualifications under this calamity loan offer is that a member of the GSIS must be residing or working in the area declared by the local government unit as under the state of calamity.
As of this writing, there are still no list of areas whose residents are eligible for the calamity loan offer. We’ll keep you posted.
Aside from the calamity loan offer, the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) has several other loan offers for the eligible members.
You may visit – GSIS LOANS – 3 Ways To Apply For GSIS Loan Offer
Hi ma’am and sir.
Ma’am how to apply this loan thank you.