GSIS Reminders over Members, Pensioners Numbers
GSIS – The Government Service Insurance System released an advisory for its members and pensioners regarding their mobile numbers.
In the Philippines, one of the biggest state insurance institutions is the Government Service Insurance System. It is more popularly called GSIS and a huge part of the Filipino populace is a member to this public agency. The members make monthly contributions or savings to the government agency.
Most of the members of this social insurance institution are workers in the government or public agencies. Some are former employees in the public sector but have chosen to continue with their membership even after leaving the public sector.
The contributions to GSIS are tagged as members’ savings. Accumulated savings can make the member eligible for its offers.

The Government Service Insurance System has loan offers and other benefits for its qualified members. It has emergency loan offers in times of calamity, personal loans for those who want a multi-purpose loan, and several other offers.
With regards to the benefit, the social insurance institution can extend help in times of sickness and maternity of the members among others. The benefit that all members are looking forward to is the Retirement Benefit. A member may be eligible for a lump sum or a monthly pension in his or her golden years depending on the total accumulated savings.
From time to time, the Government Service Insurance System sends advisories to its members. It is either posted on its official website or through text message.
Recently, GSIS released an advisory urging the members and the pensioners to update their contact information like phone numbers and email addresses. According to the social insurance institution’s President and General Manager Rolando Ledesma, active members may update their information through their Agency Authorized Officer (AAO).
With regards to the pensioners, you may update it through an email to your handing GSIS office. Both members and pensioners may also do the update through the GWAPS kiosk.
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