Pag-IBIG MP2 Table for Php 1,000 Monthly Savings — Here’s How Much Your Money Can Grow!

Guide on Pag-IBIG MP2 Table for Members

PAG-IBIG MP2 TABLE – Here is a guide for members who want to save Php 1,000 monthly under the MP2 Savings program of the Fund.

Are you interested to save and grow your money under the Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings? It is one assured way of growing your money in a guaranteed way. You can check the tables below on how much you may earn.

Pag-IBIG MP2 Table

Do you wish to save Php 1,000 monthly under the Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings? The rate at which you money may grow or how much you can get depends if you will get an annual dividend payout or a compounded savings.

Here is the Pag-IBIG MP2 table for Php 1,000 monthly savings under an annual dividend payout:

Annual Dividend Payout
Month CoveredMonthly Savings (MS)Accumulated MS per yearCumulative SavingsAnnual Dividend PayoutTotal Accumulated Value TAV)
Jan-Dec 20201,000.0012,000.0012,000.00487.5012,000.00
Jan-Dec 20211,000.0012,000.0024,000.001,387.5024,000.00
Jan-Dec 20221,000.0012,000.0036,000.002,287.5036,000.00
Jan-Dec 20231,000.0012,000.0048,000.003,187.5048,000.00
Jan-Dec 20241,000.0012,000.0060,000.004,087.5060,000.00

Here is the Pag-IBIG MP2 table for Php 1,000 monthly savings under compounded savings:

Compounded Savings
Month CoveredMonthly Savings (MS)Accumulated MS per yearCumulative SavingsDividend AmountTotal Accumulated Value TAV)
Jan-Dec 20201,000.0012,000.0012,000.00487.5012,487.50
Jan-Dec 20211,000.0012,000.0024,487.501,424.0625,911.56
Jan-Dec 20221,000.0012,000.0037,911.562,430.8740,342.43
Jan-Dec 20231,000.0012,000.0052,342.433,513.1855,855.61
Jan-Dec 20241,000.0012,000.0067,855.614,676.6772,532.28

Claim Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings. With regards to the process in claiming the dividend under the Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings, it can be done after five (5) years through an over-the-counter withdrawal or through online via the Virtual Pag-IBIG. In case the savings is not claimed after the maturity date, there will be changes on the dividend rate.

After 5 years, the dividend rate will not be the dividend rate under the MP2 Savings but under the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings. It will be under it for two (2) years.

A member can withdraw the MP2 Savings before the 5-year maturity under certain cases such as the following:

  • Total disability or insanity
  • Termination from employment due to health reasons
  • Retirement
  • Permanent migration to another country
  • Unemployment due to layoff or company closure
  • OFW repatriation from the host country
  • Death of the MP2 account holder, with the MP2 Savings to be received by the member’s beneficiaries
  • Critical illness of the MP2 account holder or an immediate family member, certified
  • Other meritorious grounds as may be approved by the Pag-IBIG Fund Board of Trustees
  • Total disability or insanity
  • Death of the MP2 account holder, with the MP2 Savings to be received by the member’s beneficiaries
  • Critical illness of the MP2 account holder or an immediate family member, certified by a licensed physician, and subject to approval by Pag-IBIG Fund
  • Other meritorious grounds as may be approved by the Pag-IBIG Fund Board of Trustees
  • Principal MP2 Savings;
  • 50% of the total dividends earned from prior years; and
  • 50% of the dividends for the current year, which shall be released after the dividends for the said year have been declared and credited.
  • Principal MP2 Savings, with 50% of the total dividends received from prior years to be deducted from proceeds; and
  • 50% of the dividends for the current year, which shall be released after the dividends for the said year have been declared and credited.

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