SSS Death Claim Requirements 2024 — A Guide for Family of Deceased Member

Guide on SSS Death Claim Requirements 2024 for Member’s Family

SSS DEATH CLAIM REQUIREMENTS 2024 – Here’s a guide on the documents required by the Social Security System in filing for a claim.

Death is one of the most challenging realities that everyone must cope with. Aside from one’s own death, the passing of the people around can be even more painful. However, truth be told that a death of a person does not only post emotional burden on the people left behind. It is a reality that there is also a financial challenge

Photo Credit: Philippine Business Directory

It requires an amount of money to buy the casket, to set the funeral services, to get a burial area, etc. Everyone surely wants a decent wake and burial for a deceased loved one. This is where the advantage of the Death Benefit offers of the different state entities sets in.

SSS Death Claim Requirements 2024
Photo Courtesy of PhilStar

One of the entities in the Philippines that offer a Death Benefit is the Social Security System. More popularly called SSS, there are several SSS benefits that members who maintain a good-standing account may turn to. Not to mention that these are apart from the SSS loans.

One of the benefit offers of the Social Security System which is in the service of the Filipino people for decades already is the Death Benefit or also called the SSS Death Claim. Through it, the state-run social insurance entity wants to make sure that the members get a decent burial.

Just like the other benefit offers of the Social Security System, there are also qualifications or eligibility requirements set in availing the SSS Death Claim offer. Meanwhile, there is a short list.

  • Deceased SSS member must have an active SSS account
  • Deceased SSS member must have posted at least one (1) monthly contribution

Who are qualified to file for a claim? Not only family members may file a claim. Anyone who spent for the burial expenses can file for a claim but the Social Security System has set the following as the priority ladder in the granting of the claim:

  • dependent spouse until he/she remarries
  • dependent legitimate, legitimated, and illegitimate children who are 20 years old and below, not employed, and single

What are the SSS Death Claim requirements? Here are the documents that a family member of the deceased SSS member or anyone who spent for the burial of the deceased member of the state entity must prepare and submit:

  • duly-accomplished SSS Death Claim Application (SSS DDR-1)
  • Death certificate of the member duly certified by PSA
  • Affidavit of the claimant or Filer’s Affidavit
  • Death certificate of the spouse duly certified by PSA (if the spouse is dead)
  • Death certificate of the member’s parent duly certified by PSA
  • Affidavit for Death Benefit Claim
  • Affidavit of Legal Heirs
  • Marriage Contract
  • Birth/Baptismal Certificate of dependent children
  • Birth/Baptismal Certificate of member
  • Birth/Baptismal Certificate of the minor beneficiary/ies
  • Medical Certificate of incapacitated child/spouse
  • Marriage Contract of the parents
  • Accident Report/Report of Death (SS Form BPN-105)
  • Guarantor’s Form (SS Form BPN-107)
  • Application for Guardianship (SS Form CLD-15)
  • Passbook /ATM card with a name or copy of validated deposit slip (original and photocopy) or Cash Card Enrollment Form, if pension
  • Recent residence certificate of the filer
  • Original and photocopy of claimant’s Social Security Card, Passport, PRC Card, Seaman’s Book, Driver’s License, or any two valid Ids, at least one with photo
  • latest 1 x 1 picture of the claimant

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