Guide on Manulife Affluence Gold Features & Coverage
MANULIFE AFFLUENCE GOLD – Here is a guide on the features and coverage of this investment insurance policy offer of Manulife.
Preparing for the future is one of the best things you can do not only for yourself but for your family as well. Saving money can really do a lot but why not do it in a way that your fund has a chance of growing?
You can actually get an investment insurance – enjoy the benefits of a life insurance while giving your savings or investments the possibility of growing. With this, there is really a chance that a more comfortable future apart what you initially set in your mind awaits you.
One of the insurance companies that you may turn to for investment plans is Manulife. It is a trusted company in the Philippines.

Have you heard about Manulife Affluence Gold? It is an investment insurance that gives the insured the total control on his or her one-time investment.
According to Manulife, under this plan, you can make add-ons or top-ups to your premiums anytime to get to your investment goal faster. You can also easily withdraw money whenever there is a need.
If you are insured under Manulife Affluence Gold, you can choose the protection you need. There is also no need to submit medical requirements as long as you qualify to the required conditions.
According to Manulife, with regards to increases in fund, you have the option on whether to maximize the growth of your savings or withdraw it through cash payouts. The latter will depend on your chosen fund.
Do you want to purchase the said Manulife life insurance offer? The insurance firm has not stated its price but you may reach out to the company through its official website – Manulife.
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope we have helped you with regards to this Manulife insurance offer. You may keep coming back for more informative guides.
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