Who Are Qualified To Apply For CHED Scholarship 2024 — Here’s List of Eligibility Criteria

Guide on Who Are Qualified To Apply For CHED Scholarship 2024 Offer for College Students

Here is a guide on who are qualified to apply for the StuFAPs scholarship offer of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

Are you stepping into college next year or anyone close to you is? If you are looking for a scholarship offer, one of the entities that you may turn to is the Commission on Higher Education, more popularly called CHED.

CHED offers several types of scholarships. One of the offer is the StuFAPs which is designed for incoming college students. It accommodates both students who will be taking courses under private and state colleges and universities.

Who are qualified to apply for the CHED Scholarship 2024 offer? For qualification, the student applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • must be a Filipino citizen
  • graduating high school student or high school graduate
  • has a general waited average (GWA) of…
    • 96% or above for Full State Scholarship Program (FSSP) and Full Private Education Student Financial Assistance (FPESPA)
    • 93% but not more than 95% for Half-SSP and Half-PESPA
  • parents/guardians have a combined annual gross income of not more than Php 400,000
    • In case the income exceeds Php 400,000, a written certification or medical findings of illness of a family member, or school certifications of two or more dependents enrolled in college may be submitted
  • has not availed any other government-funded financial assistance program

Aside from the eligibility requirements posted above, there are documentary requirements that the student-applicant must comply. It is important to make the application on or before August 15, 2024 which is the deadline for the submission of applications.

CHED Scholarship 2024 Requirements ads

Under the scholarship offer, scholars are required to have a general weighted average (GWA) of at least 85% or its equivalent for full scholars to maintain the scholarship. For half scholars, they are required to have at least 80% GWA.

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