Commercial Banks in the Philippines — Full List

Commercial Banks in the Philippines

Guide on the Commercial Banks in the Philippines and their Functions COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE PHILIPPINES – Listed below are the details about commercial banks and the list of this type of entities in the country. There are several types of banks in the industry. One of the most popular is the Commercial Bank. This … Read more

Savings Banks in the Philippines — Full List

Savings Banks in the Philippines

Guide on the Savings Banks in the Philippines and their Functions SAVINGS BANKS IN THE PHILIPPINES – Here are the banking companies in the country that belongs to this type of bank. In the Philippines, there are several types of banks that operate — Universal Banks, Rural Banks, Savings Banks, and Commercial Banks among others. … Read more

Rural Banks in the Philippines – Full List

Rural Banks in the Philippines

Guide on the Rural Banks in the Philippines and their Functions RURAL BANKS IN THE PHILIPPINES – Here is a list of banks under this type that operate in the country and their services. There are many types of banks. Undeniably, while most people do banking transactions, only a few are aware that banks actually … Read more

Philippine Banks Acquired by Other Banking Institutions — Full List

Philippine Banks Acquired

Guide on the PHILIPPINE BANKS ACQUIRED – Here is an updated list of the banking institutions that actually acquired some of the banks in the country. Banks are among the entities with the most numbers in the Philippines. They come in different types and serve different purposes. Some banks managed to keep their assets soaring … Read more

Universal Banks in the Philippines — Full List

Universal Banks in the Philippines — Full List

Guide on the Universal Banks in the Philippines and their Functions UNIVERSAL BANKS IN THE PHILIPPINES – Here is a full list of the biggest universal banking firms in the country. Among the many types of banks, one of the most popular is the “Universal Bank”. However, truth be told that many of us are … Read more

Merged Banks in the Philippines — Full List

Merged Banks in the Philippines

Guide on the MERGED BANKS IN THE PHILIPPINES – Here is an updated list of the banks in the country that were acquired by other banking companies. Did you also notice that there were banks that now operate along with other banks in the country? Most often, the merging of these banks are in the … Read more