Fort Santiago Entrance Fee: The Day Pass Rate in this Historical PH Attraction

Guide on Fort Santiago Entrance Fee & Other Details in Visiting the Place

FORT SANTIAGO ENTRANCE FEE – Here is the day pass rate in visiting Fort Santiago which is one of the most historical places in PH.

There are really individuals who are into historical places when it comes to travel and adventures. They love to discover facts about what have happened in a certain place or what have gone by. They love to know the people who left huge marks in a certain place and the events that make it different from many other places that you can visit.

The Philippines is one of the countries with several historical places. Are you one of those who are on the go to visiting historical places and enriching your knowledge of the country and of the world?

In PH, one of the historical places that you can visit is Fort Santiago which is found in Intramuros. It is one of the symbols of Spanish power in the country then. As the first Spanish fort in the country, it holds a lot of stories to tell.

Fort Santiago Entrance Fee
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The stories that Fort Santiago has is best heard when you are really at the place or you plan to visit it soon. With regards to the Fort Santiago entrance fee, you have not much to worry because it is very affordable. The regular rate in visiting this historical place in the Philippines is only P75 per head. Children, students, faculty, senior citizens, and persons with disabilities (PWDs) may avail a discount and just pay only P50 for entry.

The Fort Santiago is open from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Among the areas that you will see are the Plaza Moriones which was the traditional ground then for military drills and the transformed Baluartillo de San Francisco Javier which also has its own stories.

You and your family and friends may also love to take a photo at the crescent-shaped high wall which was built to defend the Baluartillo de San Francisco Javier in 1773. These are just some of the scenic areas that Fort Santiago in Intramuros can offer.

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