Budget-friendly Activities During the Holidays

If you are looking for budget-friendly activity ideas that you can do during the holidays, consider the following listed items:

In the Philippines, there are regular and special non-working holidays that are marked red on the calendar. During these holidays, employees will have the option to report to work and earn additional income on top of their salary. Or, they may choose to go on vacation and still receive their regular pay. If you wish to spend your holidays on budget-friendly activities, here are some ideas that you can consider.


This may sound boring, but one of the most budget-friendly treats is to stay at home. If your goal is relaxation from your usual busy work schedule, then a staycation is the best option. Remember that during the holidays, it is likely that tourist destinations are fully booked and crowded. This might ruin your intention of ‘me time’ and the need for peace of mind. The following are some ideas that you can enjoy during your staycation:

Credits To: vonvoyagewithkids.com

  • Movie marathon. Viewing a series of movies can actually be an enjoyable and relaxing experience. You can pick out your choice of themes or select a variety, if you have subscriptions. All you need is a bowl of popcorn, a favorite drink, and maybe some tasty chips. Plus, you own your time and there is no need to hurry to catch up on flights, bus, etc.
  • Home-made bubble bath or spa. There are many DIY bubble bath recipes and spa-at-home treatments that you can check out online. The good thing about this is that you can spoil yourself with as many pampering routines as you like and extend them for as long as you want. You can even invite friends or family members to make your sessions livelier.
  • Sing-along session. You don’t have to be a singer or be conscious of singing off tune on karaoke or sing along bars. You can freely sound as much as you want in the comfort of your home. Just be mindful of the neighbors next door.
  • Indoor or outdoor camping Tents can be popped up and installed almost anywhere. If your available tent is waterproof, you can pitch it in your garden, patio, backyard, or even at a nearby park. An indoor choice can also be more creatively prepared. With a wifi connection, you can simulate forest sounds, a campfire, or a starry night.
  • Learning a new hobby. Baking, cooking, gardening, crafting, or even book reading are interesting activities to engage in. If you have not done this before, try it during the next holiday.


The experience of being connected to volunteer programs is on a different level. Volunteers usually give donations or just participate in acts of service for a greater cause. It is also a way of meeting new people and strengthening ties with the community. Spending time on this kind of endeavor will not only cost you less but will even provide worthwhile emotional and mental benefits.

Day Trips

A day tour will be cheaper than a longer vacation. An overnight stay in a hotel is an added expense. Travel agencies usually have packages that include only day trips. Most often, it starts early in the morning and ends later in the afternoon. For sure, there are so many local destinations near your place that are worth your money.

Group tours or joiners

Choosing a destination carefully especially during the holidays, will save you a lot of money. There are tourist attractions that are quite expensive during peak season. You can opt to visit these places during off-peaks when they are low-priced. Moreover, you can try a trip package for joiners if you are okay with joining a group tour where participants are not familiar to you. The price is much lower than on exclusive tours, and you can have a chance to meet new friends.

Final Thoughts

Filipinos are naturally creative, resourceful, and practical. Most of the time, it’s the memories and the pictures that we are after during vacations. There are still many options to choose from if you are conscious of your budget. Life is quite short. Whether you are a single person, a couple, or married with kids, do not deprive yourself. Enjoy your holidays without breaking your budget.

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