BDO Personal Loan – How Long You Must Be Employed To Qualify

Guide on How Long You Must Be Employed to Qualify for the BDO Personal Loan

BDO PERSONAL LOAN – Here is a guide on how long you must be employed to qualify for the said loan offer of BDO Unibank.

Nowadays, the monthly salary is harder to budget since there are a lot of expenses and the prices of goods and commodities have increased. The food expenses and the payment for the utility bills usually take the biggest cuts in the pie.

Aside from the food expenses and the utility bills, the daily transportation fees and the tuition fees are on the list as well. Most households even have no emergency fund which is really a risky reality.

Often times, a lot of us would have to search for options to get some money several days before the next payday. Have you considered applying for a loan like the BDO Personal Loan offer of BDO Unibank?

BDO Personal Loan

The said BDO loan offer is a multi-purpose cash loan. You may apply for it renovate your house, fund your children’s education, host a special event, go for a vacation, buy an appliance, etc.

Who are eligible to apply for the said BDO loan offer?

  • a Filipino citizen / foreigner living in the Philippines
  • at least 21 years old but not more than 70 years old upon the loan maturity
  • earning at least Php 120,000.00 annually for employed applicants and Php 400,000.00 annually for self-employed applicants and professionals
  • with mobile phone number and at least one (1) landline phone (office or residence)

In applying for the BDO Personal Loan, there is a required number of months that the applicant must be employed in his or her current company. According to the bank, the applicant must be employed for at least a year with the current company.

Are you curious about the loanable amounts under this BDO loan offer and how to apply for it? Feel free to visit this page – BDO PERSONAL LOANS – How Much You Can Borrow Under It.

Thank you for visiting our website. We hope we have helped you with regards to this matter. You may keep coming back for more informative guides.

READ ALSO: BDO UNIBANK LOANS – Full List of BDO Personal & Business Loan Offers

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