Steps on How To Open / Apply for a BPI Remittance Account Called “BPI Padala Moneyger”
BPI REMITTANCE ACCOUNT – Here are the steps on how to open or apply for a remittance account or “BPI Padala Moneyger” in the Bank of the Philippine Islands.
Undeniably, there are a lot of Filipinos working abroad. These overseas Filipino workers (OFW) would usually send money to their loved ones in the Philippines at least once a month.
One of the easy way for money transfer from abroad to PH is through a remittance account. One of the banks that offer it is the Bank of the Philippine Islands or more commonly known as BPI.
The bank does not only offer BPI Savings Account but as well as BPI Remittance account which is called “BPI Padala Moneyger”. It is a safe and convenient way to send money to your loved ones in PH.

With the BPI Remittance Account or “BPI Padala Moneyger”, you are the one taking control of the money and it is sent directly to an account.
Furthermore, your loved ones won’t have a hard time claiming the money you sent as there are several bank branches nationwide and as well as ATMs.

How to open a BPI remittance account “BPI Padala Moneyger”? Here are the easy steps on how to apply for the said account:
Step 1
There is a short list of requirements in opening a BPI Padala Moneyger account. Prepare the documents needed in applying before going to a branch of the bank.
For the full list of requirements, visit – Remittance Account Requirements.
Step 2
Together with the requirements, head to the bank branch where you want to open a remittance account. Proceed to the counter that caters the opening of bank accounts.
Step 3
Inform the teller or bank staff that want to open a BPI remittance account or the BPI Padala Moneyger. You will be given a form which you should provide with accurate information.
Step 4
Submit the duly-accomplished form to the bank staff together with the requirements. It will be checked and once there is no problem with your application form and requirements, you will be asked regarding the initial deposit you wish to make.
Step 5
The bank staff will give you slip and inform you when you can claim your BPI Padala Moneyger card.
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope we have helped you with regards to opening a remittance account in Bank of the Philippine Islands. You may keep coming back for more informative guides.
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