Guide on Security Bank Salary Loan Loanable Amounts
SECURITY BANK SALARY LOAN – Here are the minimum and maximum loanable amounts you can borrow under this cash loan offer of Security Bank.
Some banks in the Philippines have exclusive offers like loans for companies that are accredited to them. One of the banking firms in the country with exclusive offers is Security Bank.
Through the years, Security Bank has gained the trust and confidence of many people. It has a wide array of offers from deposit accounts to loans, credit cards, investment products, and a lot more. With regards to its exclusive offers, among these are loans for the individuals who are working in the companies accredited to them. Is your company accredited to Security Bank?

If your company is accredited to the bank, you may be eligible to apply for the Security Bank Salary Loan offer or the eSALAD. It is a digital loan facility that allows the employees of the companies that are accredited to the bank to advance their next salary in easiest and fastest way possible.
How much you may get as salary advance under the Security Bank Salary Loan (eSALAD) offer? Here are the minimum and maximum loanable amounts under the offer:
- Minimum Loanable Amount – Php 10,000.00
- Maximum Loanable Amount – Php 2 million
The amount borrowed can be repaid for up to 36 months. If you are enrolled in the SBC, your monthly due will be debited from your account every payday. Thus, the deduction will be made twice a month.
To apply for this loan offer, you need to enroll to a Security Bank account and sending a text message. Text “ESALAD [space] AMOUNT [space] No of Desired Deductions and send to 225657721”. For example, eSALAD 60000 12.
You may also visit – SECURITY BANK LOANS – Full List of How Much Cash You Can Borrow Under Each Offer.