Pandesal Price Must Be Allowed P4 to P8 Increase, Bakers’ Group Says

Update on Pandesal Price in the Philippines

PANDESAL PRICE – The Philippine Federation of Bakers Association is calling for a P4 to P8 increase in the cost of “pandesal”.

In the Philippines, one of the staple breakfast foods is pandesal, a bread made of flour, yeast, sugar, oil, and salt. Almost every bakery around the country sells hot pandesal early in the morning as most Filipino households really buy this bread every breakfast.

Pandesal is usually paired with a cup of coffee or chocolate drink. Some people love dipping this bread in their drink before eating it. In some cases, there are individuals who love putting fried egg, ham, sausage, or spread on their bread for breakfast.

However, the pandesal price in some bakeries has recently changed due to the rising costs of the ingredients in baking this bread. Flour is one of the products with a price increase.

Pandesal Price

Recently, based on a report on ABS-CBN News, a bakers’ group, the Philippine Federation of Bakers Association, is calling on the government to allow community bakeries to increase their pandesal price due to the rising costs of the materials in baking this bread.

The bakers’ group called for P4 increase on the pandesal price of regular-sized bread and P8 for the jumbo ones. Based on the report, Philippine Federation of Bakers Association spokesman Chito Chavez expressed that the pandesal community bakeries are a “hand-to-mouth operation”.

Chavez further stressed that community bakeries usually don’t have a place where they can keep the ingredients so what happens is they usually use today’s earnings for the purchase of tomorrow’s ingredients in baking pandesal. He also stressed that bakery owners are on the losing end amid the increases in the prices of flour, sugar, and oil which are all part of the ingredients in baking this Filipino breakfast staple food.

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