Check the SSS Contribution Table 2024 for Self-Employed Members in PH
SSS CONTRIBUTION TABLE 2024 – Here is a guide on the monthly contributions set by the Social Security System for self-employed members.
Are you thinking about applying for a membership to the Social Security System or more popularly called SSS? Or you might be one of the existing members who want to check the contributions set by the state entity for this year.

Millions of Filipinos are members of the Social Security System and many benefit from its offers and services. It is open not only for employed individuals but as well as self-employed individuals.

SSS Membership
Many of the members of the SSS are under compulsory memberships while others are under a voluntary membersip. Here are some details under each of the membership type:
Compulsory Membership
- Employer (Business or Household Employer)
- Employee
- Self-Employed
- Househelper or Kasambahay
- Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW)
- land-based and sea-based including Filipino immigrants, permanent residents, and naturalized citizens of their host countries
Voluntary Membership
- Non-Working Spouse (NWS)
- Separated Members
SSS Loans & Benefits
On the other side of posting monthly contributions are loans and benefits that members of the Social Security System may turn to in times of need. Here are the loans offered by the state-run social insurance agency:
SSS Salary Loan
- employed / self-employed / voluntary SSS member
- at least 65 years old upon the loan application
- at least thirty-six (36) monthly contributions
- employer must be updated in posting the monthly contributions
- not a recipient of a final benefit such as retirement benefit
- no fraud case against the SSS
SSS Housing Loan
- member must have posted at least 36 monthly contributions with 24 continuous contributions prior to the application
- not more than 60 years old at the time of application
- not previously granted a repair and/or improvement loan by the SSS or NHMFC
- not been granted final SSS benefits
- borrower and spouse is updated in the payment of their other SSS loan(s)
SSS Calamity Loan
- member must have updated payment contributions and loan remittances
- has posted at least 36 monthly contributions with at least six (6) contributions posted within the last 12 months prior to the month of the filing of loan application
- residing in area declared under a State of Calamity
- has not received a final benefit from the Social Security System
- has no outstanding restructured loan under the SSS
As mentioned above, aside from the loans, the state-run social insurance agency also offers benefits for its members. Here is a guide on the documentary requirements in filing for a claim:
- SSS Sickness Benefit Requirements 2024
- SSS Unemployment Benefit Requirements 2024
- SSS Disability Benefit Requirements 2024
- SSS Maternity Benefit Requirements 2024
- SSS Retirement Benefit Requirements 2024
- SSS Death Benefit Requirements 2024
SSS Contribution Table 2024
The SSS contribution table 2024 depends on the source of income or employment status of the member. Here is a guide for the self-employed members of the state-run social insurance institution on the monthly contribution rates set for this year: