Guide on SSS Death Benefit 2024 Filing of Claim
SSS DEATH BENEFIT 2024 – Here is a guide on how to file for a claim to the Social Security System and the requirements from beneficiaries.
If you want to secure not only your welfare but as well as your family members’, aside from investments and businesses, one of the things that you can do is maintain an active and updated account to a state-run social insurance institution. One of these entities is the Social Security System.

More popularly called SSS, the state-run social insurance agency has millions of members composed of not only individuals who are residing in the Philippines but as well as those in abroad. Its members include locally-employed individuals in the private sector, self-employed individuals, overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), non-working spouses of SSS members, and voluntary members.

Members who regularly post SSS contribution may qualify to the SSS loans as well as the benefit offers of the state-run social insurance agency. One of the benefit offers is the SSS Death Benefit 2024.
The Death Benefit actually hits two (2) things:
- a safety net in financial terms for the family members or beneficiaries of the SSS member if he/she dies
- a peace of mind for the SSS member that his/her family will not be left with nothing if he/she passes away
Truth be told that many people are not afraid of dying but they are afraid of leaving behind their families. This is most true in the case of breadwinners of their families. There are parents whose clings to the purpose of sending their children to school.
Under the SSS Death Benefit 2024 which is open for an active SSS member at the time of his/her death, the beneficiaries are the following:
- dependent spouse until he/she remarries
- dependent legitimate, legitimated, and illegitimate children who are 20 years old and below, not employed, and single
The beneficiaries may receive either the SSS Death Pension or a lump sum based on certain factors. Both extends monetary grant to the beneficiaries of the deceased SSS member and the amount may vary.
In filing a claim, the beneficiary just have to prepare the requirements for SSS Death Benefit application and submit them to the nearest branch of the Social Security System.