SSS Maternity Claim 2024 — How To File Claim To Social Security System

Guide on SSS Maternity Claim 2024 Filing of Claim

SSS MATERNITY CLAIM 2024 – You can check here a guide on how to file a Maternity Benefit claim to the Social Security System.

Have you heard about the Maternity Benefit offer of the Social Security System? Also called the SSS Maternity Claim, it has helped countless female members financially on their pregnancy. Truth be told that a pregnancy and delivery may require a huge amount of money on a case-to-case basis.

SSS Building
Photo Credit: Manila Standard

The Maternity Benefit offer of the Social Security System is just one of the many benefit offers that members with good-standing accounts may turn to. It is known to the public that the social insurance entity also has the SSS loans which are perfect financial solutions in different situations.

SSS Maternity Claim 2024
Photo from What To Expect

A pregnancy or delivery of a baby undeniably requires financial preparedness. Meanwhile, this surely does not reduce the excitement and the wonderful feeling of another baby coming on the way. For the SSS members, there is always something to turn to — the SSS Maternity Claim.

The Maternity Benefit offer is open not only for member-mothers who delivered their babies but as well as those who lost their babies. Truth be told that the latter cases may also need financial assistance apart from the emotional assistance.

The SSS Maternity Claim amount may vary but any amount can surely help the mother in the expenses that have to be paid. There are factors that the state entity considers with regards to the amount.

In filing for an SSS Maternity Benefit, an employed member of the state entity must inform her empoloyer or the SSS directly within 60 days since conception. The self-employed members must inform the state entity as well.

How to file for an SSS Maternity Claim? Here are the steps you may follow:

Step 1 — Check the qualifications.

  • posted at least three (3) months of contributions within the 12-month period immediately before the semester of childbirth or emergency termination of pregnancy
  • must have processed a pregnancy notification
    • If employed, the pregnant member must have notified the employer about the pregnancy;
    • If self-employed, an overseas Filipino worker (OFW), or have been separated from employment, the member must have directly notified the SSS.

Step 2 — Get the requirements in filing for SSS Maternity claim ready. You must have all the documents required by the Social Security System based on your pregnancy case.

Step 3 — Submit your documents to the nearest branch of the SSS. Wait for a notification from the state-run social insurance giant regarding the result of your claim application.

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