SSS Death Claim 2024 — A Guide on Process & Requirements in Filing

Guide on SSS Death Claim 2024 Filing of Claim

SSS DEATH CLAIM 2024 – You can check here a guide on the process and the requirements in filing for a claim to the Social Security System.

Countless people share a common goal of securing the welfare of the family members when death comes. This is usually true in the case of the breadwinners or those who make the biggest income in the family. However, this may not only mean savings.

SSS Building
Photo Credit: Manila Standard

In the Philippines, one of the best ways to prepare for the sad reality of death is to maintain active memberships to state entities that can provide assistance to your loved ones when that day happens. One of these state-run entities is the Social Security System.

SSS Death Claim 2024
Photo Courtesy of HubPages

More popularly called SSS, the Social Security System is a social insurance institution that is in the service of millions of Filipinos for decades already. Most of its members are locally-employed individuals in the private sector and self-employed individuals.

Its members also includ overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), non-working spouses of SSS members, and voluntary members. There are huge advantages in maintaining an active SSS membership account through regularly posting monthly contributions. Among the benefits are the SSS loans that members may turn to in times of financial needs.

The Social Security System also has several benefit offers. Aside from the SSS Maternity Claim, the social insurance institution also offers a Death Benefit or also called the SSS Death Claim.

What is the SSS Death Claim for? It brings two (2) major advantages such as the following:

  • a safety net in financial terms for the family members or beneficiaries of the SSS member if he/she dies
  • a peace of mind for the SSS member that his/her family will not be left with nothing if he/she passes away

Let us face the reality that most people, especially breadwinners, are not afraid of death actually. They are more afraid of leaving their loved ones behind with nothing. Under the SSS Death Claim, it can processed by a member’s beneficiaries depending on the following order of priority:

  • dependent spouse until he/she remarries
  • dependent legitimate, legitimated, and illegitimate children who are 20 years old and below, not employed, and single

Under this Death Benefit offer of the Social Security System, the beneficiaries may receive either the SSS Death Pension or a lump sum based on certain factors. Both of them provide monetary grant to the beneficiaries of the deceased SSS member and the amount may vary.

How to file for an SSS Death Claim? The beneficiary must prepare the requirements for SSS Death Claim application and submit them to the nearest branch of the Social Security System.

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