Guide on DOST Scholarship Requirements for Application
DOST SCHOLARSHIP REQUIREMENTS – Here are the documents that incoming 3rd year college students pursuing Science degrees must submit to apply.
In the Philippines, there are entities that aim to help the Filipino students in their studies amid the financial challenge that many families are currently trapped in. One of these entities is the Department of Science and Technology or more popularly called DOST.

The DOST actually has several scholarship offers. Among these are Junior Level Science scholarships which aim to help finance the education of 3rd year college students who are taking up courses and programs in Science and Technology. There are at least three (3) main anchors of scholarships for juniors in college:
- DOST-SEI Merit Scholarship Program
- Republic Act No. 7687 or the Science and Technology Scholarship Act of 1994
- Republic Act No. 10612

In applying for a Junior Level Science scholarship, there are DOST scholarship requirements that a student applicant must prepare and submit to the government office. Here are the documents needed:
- Certificate of Good Moral Character
- Certificate of Good Health
- Certificate of Program of Study and Year Level
- Certificate of Residency
- Commitment to Return Service
- Applicant’s Certification Re- Not a DOST Scholar prior to this application
- Applicant/Parent Declaration
- Official Transcript of Records (TOR) or True Copy of Grades (TCG) or Grade Report downloaded from the portal for First Semester of First Year until the First Semester of Second Year in college, including in the midyear term, if enrolled.
- Recent picture, passport size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm or 1.8 inches x 1.4 inches)
- Birth Certificate
- Parent/s or Legal Guardian’s 2021 Income Tax Return / BIR Form 1701 / Employment Contract for OFW / BIR Certificate of Exemption from Filing of ITR / Certificate of Indigency / Certificate of Employment with Compensation / Proof of Pension
- Notarized Affidavit of Guardianship
With regards to the 1-7 DOST scholarship requirements, the Department of Science and Technology have special instructions. Here are the things that must be considered in preparing the documents for submission:
- Download these forms here
- Print each form in a size A4 bond paper.
- Have these forms accomplished by the proper authorities/ officials/ persons as indicated in each form.
- Make sure that each form is signed.
- Scan or take picture of each accomplished form and save file.
- Name each file: (Surname-Form __) when saving it.
- Submit each form using the Upload Module in the E-Application System. Use the appropriate upload field for each file.
There are also DOST scholarship requirements with regards to the photo that must be submitted. Here are the considerations:
- must show face of the Applicant, 80% of the picture
- must be colored, with white background
- with the name tag position at approximately 1 inch or 2.54 cm below the chin): Full name, handwritten- First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, and Extension Name, if any (e.g. JUAN C. DELA CRUZ, JR.), and signature over printed name
- taken within the last three (3) months prior to filing of application