Guide on Civil Service Exam Application Process & Requirements
CIVIL SERVICE EXAM – Below you can find a comprehensive guide in applying for the CSE-PPT administered by the Civil Service Commission.
A lot of people were able to enter public service and gain regular status with the help of their Civil Service passing. They took either the professional or sub-professional level of the Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test or more popularly called CSE-PPT.

The Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) is administered every year by the Civil Service Commission in 93 testing centers across the nation. A few weeks before the exam date, the government agency announces the date for the application period.
There are a few steps in appplying for the Civil Service Exam. Before heading to the CSC, check first if you are qualified to take the exam.
To qualify, the aspiring exam taker must:
- Hold Philippine citizenship.
- Must be 18 years old or above when applying for the CSE-PPT.
- Exhibit good moral behavior and must not have any criminal convictions from a definitive court ruling.
- Not have received a dishonorable discharge from the military or have been terminated from any government civilian position due to misconduct.
- Not have taken the CSE-PPT at the same level, whether through the PPT or CSC Computerized Examination, within the three months leading up to the examination date.
Apart from the eligibility requirements, you must secure the documentary requirements in applying for the Civil Service Exam. To check on all the specific documents that you must prepare in applying for the CSE-PPT, kindly visit – Civil Service Exam Requirements: List of Documents You Must Prepare in Applying.
Do you want to check how much you must prepare for the exam fee? Feel free to visit – Civil Service Exam Fee – Here’s How Much You Must Pay to Take CSE-PPT.