Guide on Civil Service Exam Fee You Must Prepare
CIVIL SERVICE EXAM FEE – Here is a guide on how much you must pay to take the CSE-PPT to the Civil Service Commission (CSC).
Are you planning to take the Civil Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test or the CSE-PPT? There is an amount that you have to prepare for the exam fee. The said exam is administered by the Civil Service Commission in two (2) levels – professional and subprofessional.
For the Civil Service exam fee, you must prepare P500.00. There are eligibility and documentary requirements as well which you can check below.

Eligibility Requirements
Which individuals are qualified to submit an application for the CSE-PPT? The criteria for eligibility are encompassed within the prerequisites for the Civil Service Exam. To be deemed eligible to undertake the examination, the applicant must satisfy the subsequent qualifications:
- be a Filipino citizen
- be at least 18 years old upon the filing of the application for the Civil Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT)
- be of good moral conduct or has not been convicted by any final judgement of an offense or crime
- not have been dishonorably discharged from military service or dismissed for cause from any civilian position in the government
- have not taken the same level of the CSE-PPT, either through PPT or CSC Computerized Examination, within the three months from the date of the exam
Documentary Requirements
- a duly-accomplished Civil Service Examination Application Form (CS Form No. 100, revised September 2016)
- one (1) valid ID accepted for the Civil Service Exam (original and photocopy)
- four (4) copies of passport-sized I.D. pictures with handwritten name tag legibly showing signature over printed full name
- duly-accomplished Certificate of Consent/Release/Waiver relating to the COVID-19 disease
- Civil Service Exam Fee
Kindly bring your Civil Service Exam requirements to the nearest Civil Service Commission (CSC) office located in your area.
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