BDO SME Loan — Take Your Business To A New Level To Earn BIG

Guide on BDO SME Loan Offers for Businesses

BDO SME LOAN – Here are the important details about the business loan offers of BDO Unibank, the Term Loan and the SME Ready Check.

Are you looking for a financial solution that can help you grow your business? You don’t have to wait for years so you can expand it to its maximum operation. The BDO Unibank is ready to help you.

The BDO Unibank, one of the most trusted banks in the Philippines, has several loan offers. One of which is the BDO SME loan which is for business growth and has two (2) main financial solution offers:

  • Term Loan — “provides funding for your business expansion, costruction, or long-term plans”
  • Ready Check — provides “access to a pool of funds that can be used as needed through a revolving credit line”

Under the Term Loan, the client may receive funds in lump sum either under a one-time releasing or in tranches. It is ready to serve any of the following purposes:

  • Purchase of new assets such as machines and equipment
  • Acquisition of real estate properties 
  • Construction, repair and renovation of business facilities

With regards to the SME Ready Check, the client can avail funds through issuing check against the approved credit line. The principal payment returns and adds to the available credit line. This BDO SME loan offer is best for any of the following purposes:

  • Buying inventory or supplies to address seasonal or bulk orders
  • Working capital to address operational requirements
  • Paying suppliers while waiting for customer collection

How much is loanable under the BDO SME loan offers? The loanable amounts vary under the two (2) offers such as the following:

Term Loan

Minimum Amount — Php 1 million

Maximum Amount — Php 50 million

SME Ready Check

Minimum Amount — Php 3 million

Maximum Amount — Php 50 million

Under the Term Loan, the maximum loan term is 10 years while the SME Ready Check loan has a one (1) year validity with an option for renewal. You can use up to 70% of the value of your property to fund the needs for the business in both collateral offers.

How much is the interest rate under the BDO SME loan offers? The interest rates vary depending on the fixing period. Here’s a guide on the interest rates for new applications:

Fixing PeriodInterest Rate
1 Year7.00%
2 Years7.25%
3 Years7.75%
4 Years8.00%
5 Years8.25%

The loan offer is open not only for individual applications but as well as for partnership and corporations. There are varying requirements among the applicants.

BDO SME Loan Requirements for Sole Proprietorship
BDO SME Loan Requirements for Partnership, Corporation

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