Guide on the Philtrust Bank Loan Fees & Charges Applicants Should Prepare For
PHILTRUST BANK LOAN FEES – Here is a guide on the list of charges in applying for the loans offered by Philtrust Bank.
One of the most prominent and oldest universal banks in the Philippines is the Philtrust Bank. It was founded in 1916 and more popularly known before as the Philippine Trust Company.
The Philtrust bank has a lot of offers to the public. The people may open savings and deposit accounts in the bank for the safekeeping of their money. It earns while it is being protected.
The private universal bank also got loan offers. It has Philtrust Bank loans for individual applications and as well as for corporate applications.

With regards to the loans open for individual applicants, it can serve several purposes including the following based on the official website of the Philippine Trust Company:
- Working capital
- Business expansion
- Purchase , construction or renovation of real estate property
- Export and Import financing
- Investment
In applying for a loan offer, it is helpful for the applicant to know the charges that he or she should prepare for. On its official website, the Philtrust Bank has laid down the loan fees it implements.
Here is a list of the Philtrust Bank loan fees:
- Appraisal Fee
- Large Parcels of Land: Case-to-Case Basis
- Areas within Metro Manila: Minimum of P2,000,00 for one TCT
- Areas outside of Metro Manila – Minimum of P3,000,00 for one TCT
- Provincial areas – Minimum of P5,000,00 initial fee for one TCT or location
- Documentary Stamp – P1.00 on each P200.00
- Registration Fee – Based on amount of mortgage per schedule of fees
- Service Fee – 2% per annum on principal outstanding balance in addition to the contracted loan interest rate
- Penalty Charge – 2% per month
- Certification Fee – Php 500.00 per Certification of Loan Credit Line
- Commitment Fee – 1/4 of 1% of the Committed amount of Php 2,500.00, whichever is higher
- Cancellation of Mortgage – Php 500.00 for re-issuance of Cancellation of Mortgage
To check on the requirements in applying for a loan to Philtrust Bank, you may visit – PHILTRUST BANK LOANS: List of Loans Offered by Philtrust Bank.
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