Here’s the SSS Contribution Table 2023 for Kasambahay Members of the Insurance Institution
SSS CONTRIBUTION TABLE 2023 FOR KASAMBAHAY MEMBERS – Here is a table of the monthly contributions of members who are working as household helpers.
Some of the members of the Social Security System (SSS) are kasambahays or those who are working in private households. Their employers may have a share on their monthly contribution. You can check on the SSS Contribution Table 2023 for kasambahays below.

SSS Membership
The membership to the Social Security System (SSS) is open to a lot of people – individuals who are employed to the private sector, self-employed individuals, overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), non-working spouses of SSS members, and household helpers or kasambahays. The state-run social insurance institution has also opened its membership to those who want to apply for a voluntary membership to the agency.
SSS Monthly Contribution
A member of the SSS must pay a certain amount to the social insurance institution every month as contribution or savings. Accumulated savings can make a member eligible for the services offered by the social insurance institution including the Retirement Benefit, a monthly pension or lump sum, that most members are looking forward to.
SSS Member Benefits and Loans
Members of the Social Security System may be entitled to its benefit and loan offers. These services come with eligibility requirements that often include a limit on the monthly contributions posted by the member.
In most cases in companies in the private sector, the firms are the one which deduct the monthly contribution of their members and pay it to SSS.
SSS Contribution Table 2023
From time to time, there are changes on the monthly contributions of the SSS members as the rates may have increases. With regards to the SSS Contribution Table 2023, it has been released and there rates still vary depending on the increase as well as the amount earned by a member.
For the SSS Contribution Table 2023 for kasambahay members of the Social Security System, based on PhilPad, here is the guide:

You may also visit – SSS Contribution 2023 – Here’s Full List of Updated Rates for Contributions to SSS this Year