What Are the “Partial Disability” & “Permanent Disability” Cases Covered by SSS Benefit Offer

Guide on SSS Disability Benefit Offer Coverage

Here is a guide on the cases of partial disability and permanent disability that are covered under the benefit offer of the Social Security System.

Milions of Filipinos are members of the Social Security System, more popularly called SSS. Most of these people are individuals who are employed in the private sector in the country. Every month, they remit an amount depending on their nature and amount of monthly income.

SSS members who have active and updated accounts may qualify to the loans and benefits offered by the state-run social insurance agency. These loans and benefits were crafted to financially help the members in times of dire need for money or situations when they may lose income.

One of the benefit offers is the SSS Disability Benefit. When a member meets partial or permanent disability, he/she may file a claim for this benefit as long as at least one (1) monthly contribution was posted in his/her SSS account.

Here are the Partial Disabilities covered by the SSS Disability Benefit:

  • one thumb
  • one index finger
  • one middle finger
  • one ring finger
  • one little finger
  • hearing of one ear
  • hearing of both ears
  • sight of one eye
  • one big toe
  • one hand
  • one arm
  • one foot
  • one leg
  • one ear
  • both ears

Here are the Permanent Disabilities covered by the SSS Disability Benefit:

  1. complete loss of sight of both eyes;
  2. loss of two limbs at or above the ankle or wrists;
  3. permanent complete paralysis of two limbs;
  4. brain injury resulting to incurable imbecility or insanity; and
  5. such cases as determined and approved by the SSS

Under the SSS Disability Benefit, a member may get either a monthly pension or a lump sum. The distinction between the two (2) offers depend on the number of contributions posted by a member filing for a claim.

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The SSS Disability Benefit could really be a huge help not only for the member but as well as his/her family. Truth be told that a lot of SSS members are breadwinners of their families. This means that if they lose income, not only them but as well as their families will suffer.

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