SSS Monthly Contribution 2025 for Local Employee Members — A GUIDE

Check Here the SSS Monthly Contribution 2025 To Keep Your Account Updated

SSS MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION 2025 – If you are a local employee and a Social Security System member, here is a guide on the contribution rate after an increase.

In the Philippines, individuals who are employed in the private sector are mandated to maintain a membership to the Social Security System. It is one way to widen the options of an employee most especially in times of financial needs.

SSS Loans
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The Social Security System is one of the social insurance giants in the Philippines — the other is the Government Service Insurance System which is the social insurance entity for the government workers. It is in the service of millions of Filipinos since 1954 beginning the implementation of the Social Security Act of 1954.

SSS Monthly Contribution 2025

The SSS membership is open not only to local employees in the private sector but as well as individuals coming from other walks of life. You may apply for a membership to the social insurance giant if you belong to any of the following:

  • Employee
  • Employer (Business or Household Employer)
  • Self-Employed
  • Househelper or Kasambahay
  • Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) (land-based and sea-based, except for Filipino permanent migrants, including Filipino immigrants, permanent residents, and naturalized citizens of their host countries, who may be covered on a voluntary basis)

There are several advantages in maintaining an updated account by regularly posting monthly contributions. Before checking on the SSS Monthly Contribution 2025, it is best to know these benefits.

What are the advantages of being an SSS member? You have a wide array of options in times of financial needs. The state-run social insurance giant offers several benefit offers such as the following:

The SSS already affirmed that there will be a raise on the monthly contribution as the previous hike was deferred. Here’s the updated rates posted by the social insurance giant:

The Social Security System also has several loan offers for its members. Here are three (3) of the main loan offers of the state entity:

SSS Salary Loan

This is a multi-purpose cash loan offer that is ready to address the short-term financial needs of the member-borrower. Under it, the member may borrow up to twice of his/her monthly salary.

SSS Housing Loan

The SSS Housing Loan was crafted to help members finance the repairs and improvements of their residential properties. The loanable amount depends on factors such as the member’s posted contribution, the project, and the member’s capacity to pay.

SSS Calamity Loan

In times of natural disasters, SSS members living or working in areas declared under a State of Calamity may apply for the SSS Calamity Loan.

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