Check Here the SSS Monthly Contribution 2025 To Keep Your Account Updated
SSS MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION 2025 – If you are a household helper or kasambahay Social Security System member, here is a guide on the contribution rate after an increase.
Are you one of the Filipinos who are working as a household helper and you are a member of the Social Security System? Or you are probably a household employer who is checking on the contributions set for the kasambahays?

The Social Security System, more popularly called SSS, is a giant in terms of social insurance in the Philippines. For decades now, it has come to the aid of countless of its members in times of calamities, job loss, pregnancy, etc. It has several offers that truly widens the options of the members.

Before checking on the SSS Monthly Contribution 2025, take a review of the membership to the state entity. It is open for the following:
- Employee
- Employer (Business or Household Employer)
- Self-Employed
- Househelper or Kasambahay
- Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) (land-based and sea-based, except for Filipino permanent migrants, including Filipino immigrants, permanent residents, and naturalized citizens of their host countries, who may be covered on a voluntary basis)
Here’s the updated rates posted by the social insurance giant:
The Social Security System has several benefit offers. Here are some of the advantages in maintaining an updated account to the social insurance entity:
- SSS Sickness Benefits
- SSS Disability Benefit
- SSS Maternity Benefit
- Employee’s Compensation Program Benefits
- SSS Unemployment Benefit
- SSS Retirement Benefit
- SSS Death Benefit
- SSS Funeral Benefit
The SSS also has loan offers for its members. Here are the loan offers of the social insurance entity and some of the purposes that they can finance:
SSS Salary Loan
- travel
- minor business expansion
- car repair
- payment of utility bills
- funding a project
- hosting an event
- payment of educational fees
SSS Housing Loan
- extension or expansion and enhancement of economic and aesthetic value of an existing housing unit
- construction of concrete fence and steel gate
- completion of an occupied bare house
- installation of deep well and motor pump
SSS Calamity Loan
The Social Security System or SSS also has a Calamity Loan offer that is a ready option for the qualified members in times when a natural disaster has left their place under a state of calamity.