List of the BPI Loans Loanable Amounts Depending on Loan Offer
BPI LOANS LOANABLE AMOUNTS – Here is a list of the loanable amounts per loan offer of the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI).
In the Philippines, most banks now offer loans to the public. These are cash assistance offers to aid the borrower in achieving his or her desired purpose for the loan. One of the banks that have several loan offers is the Bank of the Philippine Islands or BPI.
The BPI loan offers are BPI personal loan, BPI auto loan, and BPI housing loan among others. The auto loan and the house loan can assist the acquisition of a vehicle or a residential property.
The personal loan is the flexible offer for the public. You may apply for it to cover up travel expenses, to pay for the utility bill, to buy a gadget, to fund an event, etc.
Each of them has a specific list of eligibility requirements, document requirements, and steps in application.The loanable amounts many also vary.

On its official website, the Bank of the Philippine Islands has posted the BPI loans loanable amounts per offer. The amount that can be borrowed is subject to the approval of the bank.
Here is a list of the BPI loans loanable amounts:
Personal Loan
- Minimum Loanable Amount – Php 20,000.00
- Maximum Loanable Amount – Php 1,000,000.00
Housing Loan
- Minimum Loanable Amount – Php 400,000.00
- Maximum Loanable Amounts
- House & Lot Purchase – 70% of the appraised value
- Vacant Lot / Condominium Purchase – 60% of the appraised value
- House & Lot less than P5-million – 80% of the appraised value
Auto Loan
- Minimum Loanable Amount – Php 200,000.00
Do you want to know the process and the requirements in applying for any of the loans stated above? You may visit – BPI LOANS: List of Loan Offers by Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI).
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope we have helped you with regards to this matter. You may keep coming back for more informative guides.
READ ALSO: BPI LOAN INTEREST RATES – List of Interest Rates Under BPI Loans
What is the requirement fo business loan
I need money paano mag apply
how to make loan in BPI
I am a public teacher…. Can I avail personal loan? What are the requirements?
ok pala yan. gusto ko sanang mag try
How long to pay
How much can i loan?
Paano po
How to apply BPI loan
Makano pag loan an business makano an firt approval
When will I get my load
Paano po ba mag apply……. Qualified po ba ang mga production worker ng canning?
How can i borrow?
My application is complete,why tell now I never heard a feedback bout my loan aplpication?my name is, ian ilagan almamento,pls rply to my e-mail.
I hope im qualified to availl your loan, thanks and more power to all of you,
I need cash Loan
Im interested
Ask kulang pwde po bang mag loan yung OFW po?
What are the requirements
Marie panogan
How to apply cash loan?
How to apply?
I need this
Gud am gusto ko mgloan 25,000 mgkano interest 3months
Good day i want to borrow money for my small business.thanks
I want to file a loan for 30,000
Want to get a link to apply for salary loan thanks
Paano mag apply for additional capital. Thank you.
i want barrow to start the investment like past food..
,,what are the requirments to avail personal loan.
I want to barrow to start my transfortation, like trycicle
i want to loan 10 thousand pesoa
Gusto ko po Sana manghiram Ng pangpuhunan may karenderya po ako kulang Lang po sa puhuna
pano pp ba magloan atagkano ang intetest.. tska ilang buwan syang babayaran
gusto ko po sana mag housing loan, thanks po…
i want to barrow to start sari sari store
Ineed barrow of 50.000 how Manny months to pay and how much interest.?
I want to borrow the money to build on huose
I want to loan 30,000 For my new business plan how much the interest..if iam an of what are those requirements required to avail a big amount ?
Magkano enterest sa 50k
Gusto ko di po sana makaloan para makapahsimula ng negosyo.
Good pm sir ma’am gusto ko pong magloan for business actually meron na po akong maliit na business gusto ko po sanang magborrow 20k pangdadag puhunan sa business ko salamat po.
How much is the interest???
Pwd PO b mag loan pang dagdag s tindhn ko PO
30, 000 pwd 2 years? How much the Int.?magkano ang ibabayad q… please
OFW po sister ko pwede po ba xang makapag loan kung sakali…tnx….
How to apply for a loan?
I want to borrow 20k.
I just want to ask regarding my personal loan in bpi bank here in laoag ilocos norte…please give me update…i really need my loan…thanks and im waiting for follow up my loan…godbless…
Gudmorning, gusto ko po mag hiram ng pera to start my restobar
Gusto ko po magloan ng 40k magkano po interest nto at monthly ko po bbayaran eh.
I want borrow cash, for business capital, like ukay- ukay…for the amount of 20.000
Can i borrow 30k for my sari2 store business. What are the requirements ..
I want Like 20.000.000. How much the interest just asking and the requirements needed. Tahnks
How? For personal loan….
I would like to acquire BPI Personal Loan
how to apply?
thank you
Personal loan
I want to barrow 100,000 to return all my items in store like bfre,and requesting also payable in 1 1/2 years.if not posible its ok if 1yr.
I want borrow money amount 50k i rinovate my house…how many months and how much ofw in hk
Gusto ko po mag barrow pra pangdagdag po sa sari sari store ko po
Anu anu po ang mga requirements
Gosto kong humiram ng pera 25,000 for additional sa mini printing ko like magdeveloping pictures and etc. My sarisari store then ako. Magkano ang interest sa 5 months. Thnx
Pls contact me on my mobile no anytime 09668522772
Good day i want to borrow money for my small business.thanks
sue/mam ano po mga requirements sa pagloloan?
I want to borrow 1to 2million.
Iwant to loan mini dumptruck.
I want to loan 1million
Iwant to loan mini dumptruck.
Can I borrow money and how much the interest?
How to loan from your bank? Am I qualified for a loan amounting to 20,000?
I want to apply cash loan…
I want to apply for a loan to purchase a house and lot 850k
I need to borrow for investment 20,000 how much is the interest
Do can i apply personal loan even I’m still in overseas?
I need to borrow 100,000 fpr my small convience store
can i loan worth 30,000, thanks
Hi po gusto q po Sana mkapag loan pra s pag investment NG negosyo n water station,,, or maybe ung cyrahs pizza pls paki contact nmn po Aq salamat
I want to apply for 60,000 pesos payable for 12 months. My monthly income is 20,000 a month. Is it possible for approval?
Gusto kong e loan yong vacant lot namin.anong process?324sq.meter yung lupa.
Need Personal loan of 20k.
i want to apply for a loan to add for a capital on my existing fast food..such as renovation,new kitchen utensils..etc
What are the requirements for applying for personal loan. Please send me the details for the terms and interest rate. Thanks!
Magkano po interest sa house loan po??? May minimun of salary po ba???
Personal loan 30k how much the interest for 2yrs
What are the requirements??
How to apply borrow the money
Mag knu po ung interest ng 30k ng 6mons?
i want to barrow to apply?
Mam/sir, kami po bang mga member’s ng pantawid ay pwdi po bang makahiram kaltas po every payout? Thanks po sa inyong sagot
Can i get an another loan po ba?
i want to borrow 20k for additional capital for my business Thank you
I want to barrow 50k for 2year pay. How much monthly?
how to apply a salary loan
I want to apply personal loan
Gusto ko mag loan ng 20k ?
I want to apply personal loan,
pwedeng magloan ng magnegosyo sa sari sari store..
Good morning po..gusto kong mang hiram ng 50k..pang additional capital lang po.magkano po interest
Goodmorning. paano ba ang proseso ng pag loan. salamat
Gsto kong magkabahay. Magkano ang pwedeng ma avail..I’m working here in UAE,and I’m finished my contract nextmonth but I will renew .I will come back after 2 months..gsto kong magpatayo ng bahay..pero kulang ang budget ko.
I want to make a personal loan for 25thousand to buy my drying machine
Gsto kong magkabahay. Magkano ang pwedeng ma avail..I’m
I want to loan 50,000,00 how to loan
How can I apply cash loan?
How to avail personal loan?
Gusto ko pong hiniram ng 50k
Salary loan …….
I want to loan 100k how much is the interest
Good day
How to apply personal loan
I am a seaman. I want to apply personal loan. How?
i want to loan 25,000 for starting my business
how can i apply cash loan?
I applied dor personal loan in your good office bpi southmall branch any update
Pleasereply to my email.
Thank you.
Juliet tiampong
How to avail personal loan?
Hi,good day..gusto kung humiram ng 25,000 to start a small bussines..pwd po ba?
How can I apply for a loan?
How apply a personal loan?
How to apply a personal loan?
i want to apply for a small business loan, amounting to 300,00.00 thousand what are the requirements, i have to present i have my DTI REGISTRATION BUSINESS PERMIT and operated since 2018. Thanks for answering my quiry.
How much i can barrow?
I want to apply loan worth of 100,000
I want to borrow 90 for my persona l loan
I’m a solo parent magkano pwde ko I loan? Self Employed ako
gud pm po.gusto ko pong mag loan ng 20,000. ilng buwan ko po ito pwedeng bayaran ?at paano?at magkano po ang bwt hulog?salamat po sa sa2got…
What are the requirements for 20thousand loan?. Thank you.
How can I apply cash loan?
I wanna get a loan for building a house, i have already lot, location in Lipa royale estate inosloban batangas,
Requirements for personal loan.
I want to loan for house construction. Ia my area collaterable in BPI. My property is in Tanza, Navotas. Thank you.
kailang kopo ang pera para pambili ng gatas sa anak ko.
Isa po akong ofw.. Gusto ko po mag umpisa ng bussiness.. Need ko po ng dagdag puhunan.. Anu po ang mga requirements n kailangan..
I have remaining balance from suntrust developer worth 1,163,698.56 . And i am newly direct hired from one of agency in Sta rosa Laguna Last July 21,2021. And I am planning to to barrow in some of my house and lot price which i can pay in a maximum of 30 years or less which i can pay you a monthly basis and i am ex ofw from Qatar Airways which im one of the ofw laid off from the company as Aircraft Mechanic Engr. because of this covid19 pandemic. I hope that you gave me a chance to have a house and lot loan from your good company. Thank you and have a nice day.
How much interest if I borrow for housing loan.
Please discuss me about loan, I want to apply this kind of loan..How?
I want to barrow loan how only 20k this my number 09976707405 iam her dumaguete city
How can apply and how much the interest
How can i apply for a personal loan?
How can i apply for a personal loan and how much is the interest? Thank you
Can I loan po I’m ofw po pde po ba sa aming mga ofw?
BPI has no response and feedback about our comments here. Maybe this site is not available.
I want to apply personal loan worth 500k how much the monthly if really approved my loan.
Pano mg apply ng loan house and lot. At mg open acct. Mastercard or visa card
Pwede ba mag apply nang alote loan?
Elow Po gusto kopong mgloan Ng 30000 Po pno Po b mgbayad
Collateral vacant & residential lot to avail Php 1,000,000.00 possible 2-3 years to pay, how much interest.
I need money for paying same body
i want to apply personal loan to add my business capital.